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Welcome to Seedling Class
Class Teacher: Miss Pyne

Seedling Class is a mixed class of Year 2 and 3 children. The teaching team of Miss Pyne, Mrs Hawkins and Miss Lewis provide a positive and creative learning environment that supports all children to reach their true potential.


Our classroom is a safe and happy place which we take pride in. It is a place to explore our capabilities, a place to create and a place where we are confident to make and learn from our mistakes.


We are all responsible members of our class family and set examples to each other through how we portray our character values.


We use Class Dojo to share our learning and news with our parents and families.

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Mrs Hawkins


Reading books and records should be brought to school and taken home every day.  In Seedling Class, children should read for a minimum of 15-20 minutes daily, at home preferably with an adult.  Please complete and sign reading diaries on a regular basis: we collect in the records regularly so this is an ideal way for you to pass on any messages to us if you need to.

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Miss Pyne

Accelerated Reader

New this year is the Accelerated Reader programme. Your child’s reading ability and comprehension will be assessed in the first few weeks and they will be given a ZPD band of books that they can choose from that are the right level to extend their reading but not put them off. The children’s reading ability will continue to be assessed regularly through Star Reading tests and also during whole class reading sessions which occur daily. The children will have daily opportunities to change their books after completing a short quiz on the book to check their understanding.


We want children to experience all aspects of reading: Reading to themselves, sharing books with Parents and peers, being read to in class through a class novel and also linking reading to real life purposes such as for research as part of their Learning Journey work. 

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Miss Lewis


“I have a lot of friends and our school is like one big family”



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